“A Most Benevolent Outcome”

Recently while shopping for a quiet meditation audiobook to help me sleep, I happened on an odd title ‘The Gentle Way’ by Tom T. Moore. It’s stated premise was ‘Discover and strengthen your connections with guardian angels.’ It wasn’t really what I was looking for, but it was cheap and the narrators voice seemed soothing to my ear so I got it. In the book, however, the author does this one little thing that I really like, and I’m incorporating it into my life—his suggestion? Request ‘A most benevolent outcome’ on a daily basis.

He asks this in regard to parking places, personal one-on-one interactions and really, anything and any time where the positive results of something are desired but unknown. He believes he is requesting this benevolent outcome from his guardian angels and whether you believe or disbelieve in angels doesn’t seem to make a difference in the result. The one thing that does make a difference is your sincere desire and belief in the ‘benevolent outcome’.

To practice this you need to find a quiet space where you can make this request out loud. It goes like this: “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for (fill in the blank). You can also add “. . . and may the benefit be more than I expect or anticipate.”


It’s a small, simple thing, and it doesn’t work if you don’t believe it. Believing it kicks the whole quantum physics aspect in. Remember the physics principle “The observer affects the experiment”? It’s like writing an invisible program for your encounter, feeling so rock-solid in your expectation of a ‘‘Benevolent” result that you become unconsciously motivated to affect the result, if not physically, then energetically.

Dissecting the meaning and roots of the word ‘‘benevolent’ using Miriam/Webster: “Benevolent” can be traced back to Latin bene, meaning “good,” and velle, meaning “to wish.” Good Wish!

Other descendants of “velle” in English include “volition” (“the act or power of making one’s choices or decisions”), “voluntary,” and the rare word velleity (meaning either “the lowest degree of volition” or “a slight wish or tendency”).

So, requesting a benevolent outcome can actually be considered a ‘‘Good Wish” for your life, for yourself. It’s a way of treating yourself kindly, wishing the best for yourself, and I love that. A benevolent outcome is always a ‘win/win’ and by requesting it you are choosing the highest path of and to joy.

We’ve all had a couple of hard years. Let’s give ourselves a few ‘benevolent outcomes’.

Just don’t forget to say “Thank you” when good things happen.

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